What is Life Across America?

June 1996 saw the advent of “Life Across America”, a nationwide blood drive with Larry and his son riding 4,266 miles for the cause. The ride culminated in Washington D.C. in the Oval Office at the White House, with 191 blood drives gathering 75,000 units, resulting in the American Association of Blood Banks awarding him, The President’s Award.

June 2010 brought “Life Across America 2010” in which Larry and his daughter, Adella, rode 3,850 miles in 52 days to promote the need for blood donations and to thank the blood donors throughout the U.S., Canada and the world.

My story says “thank you” to blood donors throughout the U.S., Canada and the world. As a living blood recipient, I want to share my story in an effort to raise blood awareness and the need for a safe blood supply.

Each potential blood donor reading this story.... please know that you have both the power and the ability to give someone else a “second chance” at their life!

When blood is needed, it is needed immediately, and we must depend upon each other’s generosity. I have a testimony that … if you give blood today when someone needs it, it will then be there for you (or your loved ones) when they need it.

From my own experience as a blood recipient of 110 units of blood, I want to share my story with you in an effort to say “thank you” to all of our past, current and future blood donors.

Life Across America Visitors

4266 Visitors (since 27 May 2010)