Archive for June, 2008

Last Day, Last Minute Preparations!

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

Hi all,

Today is my last working day at NWC until I return.  So there’s lots to be done.  Saying good-byes to friends and giving “virtual” hugs to everyone.

Making sure I send “thank you” notes to those who donated and cleaning out the desk, etc.

What can I say?  It’s been an incredible 5 year “ride” here at NWC, every day a new day and something different, if you know what I mean?

What an incredible crew of men and women, you are awesome!

And to DT in the awesome auto dept., “take a deep breath”, it all works out for the best!

OK, well that’s it.   I’m done. Good-bye.  (Please say some little prayers for me or light a candle, or just send “postive, uplifting” thoughts on the blog!)

Remember my little jingle that I sing as I’m climbing the Mountains … “I’m happy, I’m enthusiastic, it’s going to be a great day!”

Larry F.

Training for cross country bicycle ride

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

One day at a time!  One pedal at a time!

Singing “I’m happy! I’m enthusiastic! It’s gonna be a great day!”

An incredible week of preparation!

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Now that I’m down to only 2 days left at work (NWC) before I start the last minute preparations of the last week before send-off!

I have mixed feelings.  Feelings of the unknown, of saying good-bye to my friends at NWC, and feelings of the excitement. (of what lies ahead on my 3,630 mile journey)

Yet, I’ll do the same thing I’ve done before, “first put my faith in Jesus Christ” and take the first step of this incredible blood drive/bicycle journey, LAA2008.

(The first step is always the hardest!

Then I’ll do the same thing “over and over again” (pedaling) until I get there!

I want to say thank you to my family and friends.  Also to all my friends at ABC, AbB, NWC, the community blood centers and the new friends I will meet on LAA2008.

I want to say thanks each of you who have sent me emails with words of encouragement, you’re the best!

I still have about 100 items on the “to do” list, so I’d better get started!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Larry F.

Getting prepared for LAA2008

Monday, June 2nd, 2008

I’ve spent the last 3 weeks working hard trying to get the website and up and running.  I couldn’t have done it without John Oblad’s help! So here’s a big “thank you” to John!

It’s amazing how many items are now on the “to do” list!

Also doing some training “rides” to help prepare for the start date of 15Jun08 in Astoria, Oregon.

Thanks to Christina Stockdale in Eugene, Oregon @ for the invitation to come to their blood drive on 14Jun08, which coincides with World Blood Donor Day.

A great big ”thanks” to all the past and current “donors” and a big thank you to the future “donors” who are planning to donate blood.  Larry F.