Training for cross country bicycle ride

One day at a time!  One pedal at a time!

Singing “I’m happy! I’m enthusiastic! It’s gonna be a great day!”

3 Responses to “Training for cross country bicycle ride”

  1. Kim Portwood Says:

    Testing, testing. One..Two…Three…Four

    Now’s the time for all good men (and women, never forget the women) to come to the aid of their country.

    Don’t forget the link!!

  2. Michael J. Sullivan Says:

    Thank you Larry! We need more good people that are willing to help, you are an incredible role model.

  3. Carol Platt Says:

    Larry, you are an inspiration to many and you WILL do it one day, one pedal at a time. I have personally heard you singing “I’m happy! I’m enthusiastic! It’s gonna be a great day!” – listen up to those around you! It will put a smile on their face. Your trek will be difficult but you will have our Savior’s help and in turn you will be blessing many lives as you make more aware of the need for blood and as they help out with donations. I wish you a very safe and fullfilling trip!

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