Thank you to NWC

Hi everyone,

Another exciting day closer to “start” day!

I just wanted to say “thank you” for the good-bye party (thanks DZ) that my co-workers had for me before I left.  It was very touching and I’ll never forget that special (ice cream high) feeling I had as many of them came up to me and said good-bye.

You are a very special group of women and men who have a special understanding of what it takes to be a successful company in today’s world!

I most appreciated the nice card with your “notes” on it.  It touched me so much I just wanted to “hug” everyone!

Then it came time to say “good-bye” and “move on”!  (Which I did in my usual way, quietly walking out the door, just as I was gettiing to my car I saw one more co-worker whom I needed to say good-bye to and I did so without fanfare.)

Then I got into my car and drove off, leaving behind a thousand memories, thinking to myself … “I’ll never forget them and I can only hope that they will remember me!”

Looking forward to hearing from you on the “blog”.

Here’s the NWC pictures!

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