Sioux Falls, SD (12Jul08)

Hi Everyone,

Another incredible day of cycling from Mitchell, SD to Sioux Falls, SD.

It was a 74 miles day for me with an average of 19.2 mph (including a flat, my 2nd so far!) and an elapsed time of 3 hrs 48 mins.

It was a great day! (Mostly because it was a cool, overcast day in the a.m. plus we had 20 -25 mph “tailwind” … so I guess you could say my prayers were answered! ( a short time in the saddle and lots of flatlands and rollers which made us cyclists feel like we were in the Tour de France!

After getting in, I did my laundry, went to Wal-Mart and shopped for a haircut, two small/medium sized suitcases, picked up a pair of “shorts”, went to the “2nd wheeler dealers” bike shop and picked up some Specialized shorts, tire, tubes, goo and other necessities for the next leg of our journey.

Then we went out to dinner at the Royal Fork Buffett and had a great meal … we said good-bye to Marc & Carol (the recumbent man and his royal lady!) and Erin (Tracy’s daughter) who was and is a phenomenal cyclist for a beginner!)

We’ll miss all those leaving and we’ll welcome the new cyclists coming in for this leg!

I’m pretty tired tonight and looking forward to a “day of rest” tomorrow!

Larry F.

Not many pix today … to busy riding fast & hard!  Yet, you can check out the pix at:–%20Sioux%20Falls%20SD/

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