Rest Day in Sioux Falls (13Jul08)

Hi everyone,

A very welcome rest day in Sioux Falls, SD.

I woke up early about 7 a.m. and decided to ride my bicycle to church, however, I didn’t know where the church was, so I used the Meetinghouse Locator to find the local church.

I attended Sioux Falls, SD, 1st Ward, from 0900-1200 hrs.  It was a neat experience and I met an incredible bunch of “saints” from South Dakota.

I also asked for and received a blessing from the High Priests quorum with Pres. Tibbetts as the voice.

It was a special blessing of comfort & counsel, protection & provision for the rest of the trip, not just for myself, but for all of my fellow “cyclists”!

Our lessons today was on “Converting to the Lord Jesus Christ” and the changes it brings into our lives and the “ripple effects” that our created for us when we are are happy! (Our best example of the gospel is our love for our fellow man and showing an overbundance of it to others!)

I feel so blessed to go to a new ward knowing noone there and yet, being quickly accepted as one of their family!

I’ll upload the pix of the missionairies(Elders Clark & Worthen) that I met while I was there.

Check out the pix at:–%20Rest%20Day%20Sioux%20Falls%20SD/

Larry F.

One Response to “Rest Day in Sioux Falls (13Jul08)”

  1. John Oblad Says:

    Hello Larry,

    Glad your doing so well. I loved the half way marker in the road. I remember riding 97 miles with you when you said we were going 50. I knew something was up when we passed 25 miles and were still heading out of town. Keep up the ride, keep up the fight, and take it easy!

    – John

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